Libraries always remind me that there are good things in this world. -- Lauren Ward
For the record, we totally agree with Lauren. We tried our best to keep services running through the pandemic, and now that things are easing up a bit, we have no intention of stopping. We hope you also find plenty of good things in your library.
What will you find here? The obvious answer: BOOKS! There are still backlogs both in wood and paper production, and in staffing and materials shortages in publishing, printing, warehouse stocking and delivery BUT new titles are showing up a bit more rapidly. Don’t give up hoping for that latest Patterson. Put it on hold as soon as it gets into the catalog.
Movies and TV series? They took a hit too, during the pandemic. But new films are making a comeback, as well as new seasons of your favorite shows.
Events and classes are becoming more “in-person” than before. Restrictions keep changing for the better, and so will we. Many events are still available as a hybrid, meaning there are open seats for registration as well as Zoom or live FaceBook streaming of the events too. So, if you’re still more comfortable joining us from your living room, we’re glad you “came in” to the library virtually. And our thanks go out to the FOSCL. They fund all of these events, so that no person ever has to pay a fee to attend.
To register for events, go to and click on the “full calendar” link under What’s Happening to find your event and register. And what’s on tap for spring?
The Rehoboth Beach Writers Guild offers “free writes” workshops on Thursday mornings. Do you have an idea for an article or book? Maybe the pandemic inspired you to write? Bring your ideas to the workshop to make them real.
Craft classes continue! From cacti to jewelry to our new MakerSpace Mondays, check to see if anything sings to you.
Computer groups for the adults, STEM projects for our younger patrons—tech abounds here!
History lectures continued with Fort Delaware: Great Escapes on April 22nd.
Music concerts and book clubs dot our landscape, including some new themes for the book clubs, such as time travel and murder. (Hopefully, not at the same time.)
Don’t forget our Chef Charles cooking classes and—after all that food—our Zumba and Yoga classes to work off some of the “samples.”
Children’s storytimes are returning, a little at a time—check the calendar links for dates.
If you need more information or help in finding or registering for an event, please call the SCL at 302-858-5518.